IEEE SPEC 2022 is a premier international technical conference of IEEE Region 10, which comprises 58 Sections, 6 councils, 29 subsections, 663 chapters, and 1,431 student branches in the Asia Pacific region. IEEE SPEC 2022 is going to be held at Sheraton Fiji Golf & Beach Resort, Denarau Island, Fiji. The theme for SPEC 2022 is Smart Use of Power; researchers and engineers will be brought together from academia and industry, and they will freely expose their ideas and opinions on emerging issues in the field of electrical, electronics and computer engineering as well as information technologies.
Devices & Components
Device packaging and characterization
New developments (WBG and other)
Passive components
Device protection
Power Converters
Converter design
Modular multilevel converters
Resonant and HF converters
WBG power electronics
EMI / EMC and HF phenomena
Energy Storage
Batteries, supercapacitors, flywheel
Energy management systems
Second-life battery systems and applications
Energy storage for standalone and grid connected renewable energy systems
Power converters for electric vehicles
Power electronics and control for drones
Electric motorcycles
Control and energy management
All electric aircraft and ship
Pilot studies
EV Charging Technologies
Power supplies
Wireless transfer of power
Low and high voltage DC power supplies
Uninterrupted power supplies
Distributed power supplies
Motor Drives and Actuators
Modelling, control and design of drives
Robotic applications
Industrial applications
Servo drives
Other Related Topics
Power electronics education
Hybrid teaching of power electronics
Protection and data analytics
Power electronics for medical applications
Cyber physical aspects for power electronics
Prospective authors are invited to submit the Digest with four to six pages in double-column IEEE conference format via the conference website More information about paper format and guidelines for paper submission can be found at the conference website. The presented papers will be submitted to IEEE Xplore, which is indexed by major databases. IEEE SPEC 2022 will feature both contributed and invited papers. The best papers will be selected from the contributed papers for awards.
上一条:2022年第四届智能电力与互联网能源系统国际会议征稿 下一条:Call for Papers-IEEE PEAC 2022
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